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Month August 2023

Securing Business Wi-Fi

Companies of any size benefit from business Wi-Fi because this upgraded service provides reliable, fast and secure internet access for employees and guests. Office managers or IT directors should consider upgrading to the best business Wi-Fi possible to make sure…

Ransomware: Facts, Attack Prevention & Recovery Response

Ransomware attacks on businesses

Ransomware is evolving and a business that does not step up its prevention and recovery methods could be leaving itself open to a devastating attack. All companies, from small enterprises to large corporations, and government agencies should worry about ransomware…

iPhone vs. Android for Businesses

iphone vs android for businesses

Before joining the iPhone or Android camp for business use, management should first consider factors for compatibility, ease of use and security. Smartphones are powerful work tools and when combined with a business wireless plan, everyone experiences better connectivity and…

4 Great Smartphones for Teens

smartphones for teens

Choosing phones for teens who are ready for new responsibilities is not an easy task for parents, but diligent research can help make the decisions easier. Learning differences between mobile phone models lets caregivers find the right device for each…