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All FTC stores will be closing today at 3 p.m. due to hazardous weather conditions.
The FTC Wesmark store in Sumter will tentatively open on Saturday at 10 a.m. Please check here for any possible changes if conditions worsen.

Dedicated Internet

Metro Internet

Plans & Prices

Dedicated InternetPrice/Month
1 Mbps Internet Access*$2
20 Mbps Transport$223
100 Mbps Transport$283
250 Mbps Transport$643
500 Mbps Transport$1,068
1 Gig Transport$1,568

Contract Discounts Available for Dedicated Internet Plans.
Includes Static IP Addresses.

*Sold in 1 Mbps increments up to transport capacity.

DS1 Service

High-Speed Internet that Makes Privacy a Priority

DS1 Service has the capacity to transmit information at speeds up to 1.544 Mbps. DS1 Service can also be used for facility connectivity from a serving wire center to the end-user for IP services such as ATM and Frame Relay.


  • LAN/WAN Interconnection For companies of all sizes, DS1 is the answer to the constantly growing demand for high-speed, high-integrity data transfer between sites within the same LATA.
  • Guaranteed Transmission Speeds DS1 is not subject to network congestion or delays. There is no contention for network resources through the network because the bandwidth is reserved throughout the network for the customer, providing guaranteed throughput.
  • Increased Network Security Since DS1 High Capacity Service is a dedicated line between the customer’s sites, there is a greatly reduced possibility of unauthorized access to the network.
  • Secure Transmission for Mission Critical Data A dedicated DS1 is secure, versus shared bandwidth on the public data network. InterconnectionDS1 can connect Frame and ATM that can then connect to IP Networks.


  • Consolidates traffic from multiple smaller sites onto a single DS1 connection to the Central site
  • Allows High Speed Local Access to DS1, ATM and ISPs
  • Allows High Speed Local Access to IXC, and ISPs for LD and Internet access

Switched Ethernet Service

Communicate Between LANs

Switched Ethernet Service allows you to communicate between LANs. Using Switched Ethernet Service, users at one site can quickly access information and online services located at another site. By choosing Switched Ethernet Service over other alternatives, you can save time and money.


  • 10/100/1000 Mbps options available
  • Ethernet is ubiquitous to the customer’s LAN
  • Private-line access, not a shared broadband service.


  • No Rigid Bandwidth Limitations
  • Significant CPE Cost Savings
  • Easy-to-use, “Plug-and-Play” Technology

Ready to order?

Contact us today to get started!
