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Don’t Let a Grinch Steal Your Christmas Joy

The Christmas season is a time of celebration, but we’ve all seen how a Grinch can steal a family’s joy.

Not every person out there has been preparing for Christmas the same way. While you were busy shopping, attending Christmas parties or spending time with friends, others were occupying their time in a different way.

More than likely, Christmas thieves weren’t sewing together a Santa suit and dressing their dogs up like reindeer. They spent their time planning how to steal your Christmas tree and everything under it! Grinch-inspired break-ins occur every year during the holidays and, quite frankly, we’ve had enough!

Don’t get stuck having to fend off thieves this holiday season using booby-traps like Kevin McCallister from “Home Alone.” Although Kevin did prove capable in defending his home with his do-it-yourself security measures, we’d rather you take other precautions to keep those Grinches away!

Regardless of the time of year, our FTC Security Systems are a great way to keep your family safe and secure. Our systems are specifically designed to provide fast, reliable protection.

FTC Security signage clearly marks protected homes. From a burglar’s perspective, it’s like you have a policeman standing outside your home shaking his finger saying, “Not tonight, buddy.”

If that warning isn’t enough and the intruder attempts an entry through a protected door or window, an alarm is activated. All of our alarm systems are monitored by our UL listed Central Monitoring Station. When an alarm is activated, you — along with the police or fire department — will be notified by someone from the monitoring station.

In addition to protecting you against thieves, FTC Security Systems are specifically designed to provide protection from fire, carbon monoxide and more.

So while you might think your BB gun or blowtorch might work this Christmas, just remember that most burglars are smart. Statistics show they pick an unarmed house three times as often as an armed one. 

We are offering a free on-site assessment, and for a limited time a wireless security system with installation for free!

Give us a call today at (888) 218-5050. We’d love to make sure you are safe and secure for the coming days, for all of 2016 and for the years to follow!