FTC to Utilize New Vendor for Directory
FTC is transitioning the development of its directory, including its yellow pages, to the nation’s largest and oldest directory publisher of rural telephone cooperatives.
Vivial, formerly known as the Berry Company and based out of Dayton, OH, will be taking over for Data Publishing, which produced the FTC “phone book” for the past decade.
Dent Adams, FTC’s chief operating officer-subsidiaries, leads the division that oversees the directory.
“Change is never easy, but we just found it was the perfect time for us, and we are excited about this partnership,” Adams said. “We conducted an exhaustive search and chose Vivial because of its deep experience. The company has a rich history and understands rural telephone markets and publishes literally hundreds and hundreds of directories across the nation.”
Members of the Vivial sales team have already started contacting businesses, both by phone and in person. The process will continue for the next few months before the directories are delivered in late spring.
Businesses that want to reach Vivial immediately can do so by contacting Maria Florentine at 937-610- 4157 or mflorentine@vivial.net.